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The Secrets of Medicinal Marijuana
This book has three related tracks: 1) For the patient who is interested in using medicinal marijuana to increase their appetite, decrease worry and stress, decrease withdrawal from opiates and other drugs, sleep better and more. 2) For the prescribing clinician and patient there is a thorough review of the clinical and prescribing information throughout this book's body and rich Appendix, and 3) For the adult user who wants to explore higher levels of consciousness, and those who want to go deeper and see if there are any unrecognized issues that may be generating a physical problem or difficulties in their relationships with self, others and/or the God of their understanding.

Brilliant!! This is a great book on an important topic. It is an easy read and provides a framework for thinking about Cannabis used as medicine. I highly recommend it (pun not intended).
- J. Tishler, MD
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